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Windows 7Loader by Orbit30 And Hazar 32Bit 64Bit v1.5 A windows loader that is both compatible with, and requires windows xp sp3 or later releases. It includes the latest version of Windows Loader 2. 1.7 by Daz (32/64 bit) Features of Windows 7 Loader: Win7 Loader can work with windows 7 sp1, sp2 and sp3. It has new code signature system so windows 7 loader 2.1.7 activation servers will start to support it in near future. The windows loader build 1.5 is very small than the previous release that is just 6,2 MB. It can load any edition of windows 7 including ultimate and business editions that support product key card mode of activation.(Not all but most). It can. Activate any 32-bit and 64-bit windows 7 without the need for a seperate loader from now on. There are no known bugs so far, but if you find one post it as a comment. Windows 7 Loader 1.5 is designed to work with Windows XP SP3 or later so if you have any other operating system it won't work with them. If your using a loader that use ZwUnhookSyscall and NtQueueApcThreadEx to bypass Windows Genuine Advantage Validation then this application will not work with that loader because it uses a different method called NtOleInitThread function. ZwUnhookSyscall and NtOleInitThread functions are not in the Windows XP service pack. Windows 7 Loader 1.5 can also load any edition of windows 7 including ultimate and business editions that support product key card mode of activation.(Not all but most). To use it, just obtain the latest release and extract it to a folder (C:\\windows7loader) and you will be ready to go. If you like this application please consider donating to keep our servers running. ...Enjoy! by Orbit30 & Hazar... https://www.thehagarforum. cfa1e77820